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Tefal Explorer Serie 60 vauum parts

 for Tefal Explorer Serie 60 / RG7447/ RG7455 / RG7447wh / RG7455WH

Tefal 95 vacuum parts

for Tefal Rowenta X-plorer Serie 95 RG7975WH RG7987

Tefal X-plorer Serie 20 40 50 parts

for Tefal Explorer / X-plorer Serie 20 40 50 / ISWEEP X3

tefal 75 S+ vacuum parts

for Tefal FOR X-PLORER Series 75 S+ 

Tefal 75 animal vacuum parts

for Tefal Rowenta X-Plorer Serie 75 ANIMAL RG7687 / RR7687WH

Tefal Explorer Serie 20 40 parts

for Tefal Explorer Serie 20 40 RG6825 RG6871

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